Dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals in Guelph Wellington with intellectual disabilities through the power of sport
Welcome to Special Olympics Guelph Wellington (SOGW) Website!
A history of community
Special Olympics Guelph Wellington (SOGW) became a recognized Special Olympics organization in 1987 with a small group of dedicated volunteers and athletes.
Since the start, it has grown into an organization that supports over 345 athletes and 75 volunteers with 17 sport teams in ten different individual and team sports.
Currently SOGW is able to offer nine Olympic style sports which are offered most nights of the week, throughout the year. The primary focus of our local Special Olympic sports is for fun and fitness. Athletes are also encouraged to develop a degree of proficiency in their sport through specific drills and practices and many challenge themselves in order to advance through Regional Competitions, Provincial, National and finally World Games.
Each year a Sports banquet is held to honour our athletes’ achievements and many would say that our banquet has grown to be the Special Olympic social highlight of the year!
Many of our Guelph athletes do multiple sports and Special Olympics has become not only a place of fitness but it also provides a venue where athletes can meet, socialize, have fun and build lasting lifelong friendships.
To read more about Sports offered please click on the Programs dropdown menu in this webpage header.